jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

More info..

Whats going on everyone? So things here in Guatemala are becoming less and less hectic day by day. I have started to becoming a little accustomed to things here. At first, of course, there was some culture shock... going from where I was a bit average in height to where I am the tallest one for miles is quite a shock. Towering over everyone is some thing I am not used to. The food is awesome!! Last night, I had for the first time spaghetti with homemade corn tortillas. Talk about cultural exchange. I, also, helped my host grandmother peel cobs of corn, pick kernels out one by one, and putting them in a basket so they can cook them and then later "molarlos" a maiz to make the tortillas.... talk about everything from scratch. Today we had to go to another neighboring village to meet with the rest of the healthy school group to talk about the education system of Guatemala. It is completely different than the US, naturally i know, but still. You would be shocked.

My group and I here in our town had to go visit the bomberos y la policia to introduce ourselves. Los bomberos eran mas amable de las placas.. haha Today we also went to go visit the Mayor to introduce ourselves but he was not in his office... so tomorrow we have an appt. at 8 am. Speaking of the mayor... this morning at 2 am they set off some fireworks... those loud ass ones... thought there was a bomb of some sort...but it was to celebrate his 1 year anniversary as mayor... what the hell...

hope to hear from you guys soon

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