Whats happening everyone? Its been a while again.. I know. This past week we had our field based training. That is when we go out and visit different volunteers in certain departments, states, in Guatemala. We met some awesome volunteers who are COS´ing (Close of Service). Throughout the week we went to go visit certain schools and played with the kids... as you can see. That is Josh and me. Those kids were awesome. And it was Carnavál that week...so we all got ambushed with eggs filled with confetti. Thursday was a day of stress for most of us. It was the day that we all had to do a health presentation to a certain grade at this random school. My topic was teeth...since there are several dentists in the family I thought I had sufficient knowledge on that... Nailed it!! On Friday, we went to go to some hot springs, and hung out with other volunteers. Now that was awesome. Gotta love Peace Corps. haha We returned to our perspective towns on Saturday.
This coming week on the 4th we go on our individual visit training. For me it will not be individual since the 4 of us who got the job position will be visiting the other 2 volunteers in that position. Should be an enlightening experience. And the big day is near... not my birthday... the day AFTER, the 12th, they finally tell us our site... where we all will be staying for the two years here in Guate. We´ll see how it goes. Hope to hear from you guys... at least some of you...hope all is well.
picture site for field base training....